HubSpot Integration

Integrate your Chatsimple AI chatbot with Hubspot and automate all your CRM activities.

Integrate your Chatbot with HubSpot!

Boost your customer interaction through your website with Chatsimple. With a handful of easy steps, effortlessly sync your captured contacts, as well as existing HubSpot contacts onto Chatsimple's top-tier chat functionalities!

With your HubSpot integration, any visitor that leaves a message through the widget will be added as a HubSpot contact. Watch how its done.

Send Lead details and Insights to Hubspot

Step 1: Access Your Dashboard

Visit the Chatsimple Dashboard and go to the chatbot you wish to integrate with.

Step 2: Integrations Tab

Go to the Integrations section of the dashboard, and click on Connect.

Step 3: Choose account

Once you click connect, choose the HubSpot account you wish to integrate with and click "Choose Account"

Step 4: HubSpot Contacts

Once you accept the permissions, you will now be able to see your HubSpot contacts in your Captured Contacts screen.

Also, on your HubSpot account, you will be able to see current and future visitors that leave messages through your Widget on your website.

Step 5: Delete Integration

To Delete your HubSpot Integration, simply click on Disconnect.

Celebrate 🎉

You've successfully integrated Chatsimple with HubSpot! Enjoy engaging with your visitors through intelligent, real-time conversations.

Last updated