Pipedrive Integration

Integrate your Chatsimple AI chatbot with Pipedrive and automate all your CRM activities.

Integrate your Chatbot with Pipedrive!

Boost your customer interaction through your website with Chatsimple. With a handful of easy steps, effortlessly sync your captured contacts, as well as existing Pipedrive contacts onto Chatsimple's top-tier chat functionalities!

With your Pipedrive integration, any visitor that leaves a message through the widget will be added as a Pipedrive contact.

Step 1: Access Your Dashboard

Visit the Chatsimple Dashboard and go to the chatbot you wish to integrate with.

Step 2: Integrations Tab

Go to the Integrations section of the dashboard, and click on Connect.

Step 3: Choose account

Once you click connect, choose the Pipedrive account you wish to integrate with and click "Continue to the App"

Step 4: Pipedrive Contacts

Once you accept the permissions, you will now be able to see your contacts in your Captured Contacts screen in your Pipedrive account.

Step 5: Delete Integration

To Delete your Pipedrive Integration, simply click on Disconnect.

Celebrate 🎉

You've successfully integrated Chatsimple with Pipedrive! Enjoy engaging with your visitors through intelligent, real-time conversations.

Last updated